Free ITC Project Comparison-Service

ARCHLine.XP – the CAD/BIM ready Software
With ARCHLine.XP you use a powerful and versatile architecture design software – all inclusive from 2D to BIM ready!
ARCHLine.XP is a 3D system in which you can also rely on the 2D functionality. ARCHLine.XPP is IFC certified
ARCHLine.XP is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use architecture software with probably the best value for money!
Get to know ARCHLine.XP and IT-Concept with the free ITC project comparison service!
ITC Project Comparison-Service
You want to save time and monthly fees?
Then you are exactly right here!
Then you are exactly right here!
In 3 steps to the 3D building model!
1. You upload your 2D plan here (dwg, dxf, pdf ..)
2. We build the 3D model.
3. We contact you to introduce the project online.
This service is free for you. See for yourself!
Of course, IT-Concept handles all content and data confidentially!